Building caring, healthy and inclusive communities across the Port Stephens Region. Counselling & Casework Our counsellors / caseworkers are all qualified and experienced.

Port Stephens Family and Neighbourhood Services is an incorporated not for profit organisation providing community services in the Port Stephens LGA.

We offer support and information services that include Child, Youth & Family Counselling and CaseworkHomelessness Services, advice on Crisis Accommodation, Transitional Accommodation (limited), Parent’s & Carer’s Groups, Children’s and Young People’s Groups, Domestic Violence Support, Safe Houses & Legal ClinicsAboriginal Culture Groups, Early Childhood Programs including Playtime Groups, Aboriginal Family History and Outreach Programs, Drop-in Centre, Financial Assistance, Financial Counsellor, Home to School Mentoring, Youth Centre and more. All our services are free.

All groups have free child care. We can meet you at your home, one of our centres or at other venues convenient to you.

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Our Programs and Services

Below are the programs and services on offer at all our centres. You can filter our services by centre to see exactly what services each centre provides. Referring agencies can find more focused information on programs by clicking on referring agencies tab at top of page.

Get involved with our Organisation

Need help getting to our programs?

Interested in attending any of our groups or programs but have no way of getting there? We can pick you up and drop you back home again. Just give us a call to arrange.

All our vehicles have approved child restraints and staff are accredited child restraint installers.

We can even fit your car seat or check to make sure it is installed correctly, just call in!

Our Centre Locations

While our offices are located in the Raymond Terrace and Mallabula vicinity, our service provides support to people in Fingal Bay, Soldiers Point, Anna Bay, Swan Bay, Tomago, Karuah, Raymond Terrace and all the suburbs in between!!

News and Events

Keep up to date with the latest news and events as part of Port Stephens Family and Neighbourhood Services dedication to providing fun and educational events, and informative advice.

Get in Touch

Get in contact with our team, visit our contact page for all centre phone numbers, contacts and emails, location maps and an online contact form that will direct your enquiry to one of our team.

Become a Volunteer

We always appreciate those individuals and business’ willing to lend a hand. Get in touch with us and we would love to have you help out wherever you can. It helps us and your community, and is a rewarding experience.

For Referring Agencies

This section of our site contains information and resources you might require for our programs, or to receive government or related organisational assistance. We also provide links and information on useful organisations, partners and affiliates.

Get a copy of our Service Newsletter here. Just click the button below!

Get a copy of our Annual Report here. Just click the button below!