Are you interested in Volunteering?

Becoming a volunteer is the best way to experience life.

You’ll discover aspects of yourself you never knew existed. You’ll form strong friendships and you’ll never stop learning. The rewards you gain from volunteering are so much greater than dollars, that’s why more than four million Australians volunteer for more than 500 million hours each year. So come and volunteer at PSFaNS.

We value volunteers and it is important to us that you take on roles that you are comfortable with and that you enjoy. Below is a list of options and we are always open to any ideas that you might have. Most options are available at Raymond Terrace, Mallabula, Lemon Tree Passage and Karuah and at times in other areas.


Working with People

  • Help with running Children’s & Young People’s Groups & Playgroups?
  • Food preparation/cooking for groups
  • Children’s and Young People’s Homework Clubs
  • General office assistant/reception work
  • Using skills you might have with children/young people who come to our centre eg art & craft, storytelling, music etc.

Helping Hands

  • General housekeeping
  • Food and sundry shopping
  • Computer & IT support
  • Motor vehicle upkeep
  • Gardening
  • Landscaping
  • Cleaning
  • Handyman (woman) work
  • Building
  • Building/making children’s equipment
  • General outdoor work (eg sweeping/mowing etc)

Becoming a volunteer

Please note that all volunteers at our service are required by law to undergo a ‘Working with Children Check’ and have a satisfactory national Police check. We also require volunteers to be fully COVID vaccinated.

Please complete the form below with your NameEmail AddressPhone Number and a Brief Comment about your experience and willingness to work in the Family Support or Welfare field. Once you have completed the form and submitted it, please allow approximately 5 working days for a staff member from PSFaNS to get back to you.

    Your Name (required)

    Email (required)




    What is your primary method of transport?

    What are your interests / hobbies?

    What experience / skills are you offering?

    What type of volunteer work would you like to do? (tick as many as you like)

    Help with running Children's PlaygroupsHelp with running Children's Homework Groups/After School GroupsHelp with running our Youth Drop InHelp running Cultural Groups and CampsI have a specific skill that I could teach in a group such as Music, Sports, Arts & Crafts etcFood preparation/cooking for groupsMaking meals for families in need using rescued food from Oz HarvestGeneral Office Assistant/Reception WorkEmergency Relief Worker – assisting the community with their financial needs eg. food assistance/electricity assistanceComputer & IT support / teaching a computer classGeneral housekeeping/cleaningGardening/grounds keepingHandyman (woman) work eg. painting, repairs, building, pavingOther

    Which centre do you wish to volunteer in: (tick as many as you like)

    3 Phillip Rd, Raymond Terrace3 Jacaranda Ave, Raymond TerraceThe Deck, Raymond TerraceMallabula Community HallAll

    What days are you available?


    What times are you available?

    MorningsAfternoonsAfter schoolUnsure right now

    How much time do you wish to give?

    hours per week/fortnight/month


    All volunteers are required by law to undergo a ‘working with children check’.