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Have you heard about the HIPPY Program
Do you have a child turning 3?

The Home Interaction Program for Parents and Youngsters (HIPPY) is a two year home based program that empowers parents and carers to be their child’s first teacher.

HIPPY offers families with young children a foundation for learning in the home, supporting successful transition to school and future school participation.

The HIPPY program is delivered to the parents and carers by home tutors through home visits and group gatherings. Families from Raymond Terrace (initially) are encouraged to participate in this FREE Commonwealth Government funded program.

HIPPY has been operating throughout Australia since 1998 and has had a positive impact for all families within their local communities. See more about HIPPY Australia here.

Best of all, the HIPPY program is FUN for everyone involved!

Contact Rachel on 49 800 800 to enquire or enrol.


“HIPPY was developed at the NCJW Research Institute for Innovation in Education at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and the HIPPY Programs are affiliates of HIPPY International”

“The Home Interaction Program for Parents and Youngsters is funded by the Australian Government through the Department of Social Services. The Brotherhood of St Laurence Holds the licence to operate HIPPY in Australia”

Date, time and locations

When and Where

Raymond Terrace
and Karuah

When: By appointment
Time: By appointment

3 Phillip St, Raymond Terrace
or we can come to you!