I Respect
Group Details

I Respect is a program to educate and encourage high school boys (or groups of boys in sports clubs for example) to examine their attitudes and beliefs about manhood.

It is about teaching men and boys about healthy and respectful manhood to better support each other emotionally and hold each other to account, while ensuring girls and women are safe and considered equal.

The authors of the program recognise that the underlying causes of violence and discrimination against women and girls are rooted in the ways women have been traditionally viewed and treated in our society.

The goal of the I Respect program is to provide coaches, educators and mentors with tools to help raise awareness about healthy, respectful manhood and prevent violence and discrimination against all women and girls.

The program looks not only at the difficulties caused for women and girls by the rigid gender construct, but for the boys and men as well.

In summing it up it

  • promotes healthy, respectful manhood
  • decreases language and actions that degrade women, girls and other marginalised groups
  • challenges harmful cultural and social norms
  • decreases instances of bullying and homophobia

We run workshops in and/or with local High Schools each term. If you are interested in accessing this program for your school or group give us a ring on 49 800 800.

Date, time and locations

When and Where

When: Varies
Where: Local High Schools in Port Stephens

Booking Required: Yes