Talking Respect
Group Details

Talking Respect seeks to support communities to develop the capacity of their local young people to:

  • understand the characteristics of respectful relationships;
  • identify and understand the characteristics of unhealthy relationships;
  • critique the messages about gender, sex, relationships, power and aggression that are conveyed through a range of media and in other places in society;
  • develop knowledge, attitudes and practical skills that support healthy, respectful relationships.

In doing so, Talking Respect seeks to contribute to broader efforts to prevent violence, particularly violence against women and children, and to promote safety, respect and equality.

We run workshops in and/or with local High Schools each term. If you are interested in accessing this program for your school or group give us a ring on 49 800 800.

Date, time and locations

When and Where

When: Varies
Where: Local High Schools in Port Stephens

Booking Required: Yes