Oz Harvest
Oz Harvest
Oz Harvest is an Australian food rescue organisation which collects surplus food from local business and supermarkets throughout the community. Oz Harvest delivers to 3 Jacaranda Ave on Mondays. Call […]
Oz Harvest is an Australian food rescue organisation which collects surplus food from local business and supermarkets throughout the community. Oz Harvest delivers to 3 Jacaranda Ave on Mondays. Call […]
In particular, this program aims to support young people between the ages of 12-25 years who may be experiencing more chronic and episodic moderate to severe mental illness and other […]
Are you keen to learn new skills, have a yarn, eat some food and just hang with your sistas? Mondays at Karuah Community. Ring Aunty Michelle 0434212480 or Barbara 0447688328 to come along. Booking required.
Free To Be You is a drop in afternoon for young people in Port Stephens who identify as LGBTQIA+
Habitat Kids Club is an after school group that aims to facilitate self esteem and confidence building in its participants. The children whilst learning about their local environment, are also […]
Tilligerry Family Network invites you to Nature Play Free guided nature play to assist your child (aged 0-5) to support their learning, build confidence and develop friendships. Fun, sport, adventures, […]
Do you have money worries? Financial Counselling is a free and confidential service. A financial counsellor from Hunter Valley Project Inc provides financial counselling on Tuesdays at 3 Jacaranda Ave, […]
Do you have money worries? Financial Counselling is a free and confidential service. A financial counsellor from Hunter Valley Project Inc provides financial counselling on Tuesdays at 3 Jacaranda Ave, […]
In particular, this program aims to support young people between the ages of 12-25 years who may be experiencing more chronic and episodic moderate to severe mental illness and other […]
Come along and have some fun doing Aboriginal Crafts. Hang with your mob and have a yarn! For ages 5-12 years. Afternoon tea provided. When: Tuesday & Wednesday arvos Time: […]
Women supporting each other who have or are experiencing domestic violence. Did you know that… In Australia, 1 in 5 adult women have experienced abuse in an intimate relationship? 1 […]
Children are offered culturally enriching play opportunities such as painting, playdough, arts and crafts, story time and outdoor activities. This is a great place for children to make new friends and have fun together. Runs every School Term commencing the Second Week of each term Morning tea is provided. No booking required, call 49 800 800.
Playtime Plus is fun for children and parents / carers. Not just a fun place but also a place where we: Provide a range of learning experiences to promote children’s development Support ways in which parents can play and communicate with their children Provide information for parents about topics such as child development, health, and […]
Are you in year 5 or 6 at school? Tilly Legends is an after school group for children who are currently in years 5 or 6. The group meets weekly […]
'The Deck’ Youth Venue is a place to drop in with friends, to make friends or to come and grab a feed. We offer a safe space for all young […]
Come along and have some fun doing Aboriginal Crafts. Hang with your mob and have a yarn! For ages 5-12 years. Afternoon tea provided. When: Tuesday & Wednesday arvos Time: […]
Circle of Security Parenting When ‘good enough’ parenting is good enough - A relationship Based Parenting Program – 8 week parenting program based on relationships. This is an opportunity to: […]
Tuning in to Teens is a six session parenting program for parents of adolescents aged 13-18 years. Would you like to lean how to:- Be better at talking with your teen? Be better […]
Playtime Plus is fun for children and parents / carers. Not just a fun place but also a place where we: Provide a range of learning experiences to promote children’s development Support ways in which parents can play and communicate with their children Provide information for parents about topics such as child development, health, and […]
Young Parents Group is for all parents who are 25 years and under. Young parents face the challenge of meeting not only their own developmental needs at a time of […]
Do you need help with Centrelink Payments? Not sure what you are entitled to? Changed your circumstances? Just had a baby and wondering about family assistance? We can help! A worker from the Centrelink Community Outreach Team comes to Jacaranda Ave, Raymond Terrace every 2nd Wednesday from 10.30am to 12.00pm. Appointments are encouraged to be […]
Do you need help with Centrelink Payments? Not sure what you are entitled to? Changed your circumstances? Just had a baby and wondering about family assistance? We can help! A worker from the Centrelink Community Outreach Team comes to Jacaranda Ave, Raymond Terrace every 2nd Wednesday from 10.30am to 12.00pm. Appointments are encouraged to be […]
Art therapy can provide therapeutic interventions through the use of visual arts, including drawing, painting, art journaling, mixed media and sculpture, for mental health diagnoses, wellbeing, early intervention and developmental […]
Art therapy can provide therapeutic interventions through the use of visual arts, including drawing, painting, art journaling, mixed media and sculpture, for mental health diagnoses, wellbeing, early intervention and developmental […]
St Johns Food Hampers Monday morning before 10.30am, families (max 8 per week) can receive a referral for a food hamper at St Johns Anglican Church. Can be accessed once a month only.
Oz Harvest is an Australian food rescue organisation which collects surplus food from local business and supermarkets throughout the community. Oz Harvest delivers to 3 Jacaranda Ave on Mondays. Call 4987 1331 from 10am on Monday morning to register. Pick up hampers at the door between 3-4pm on Monday afternoon. Hampers can only be received […]
In particular, this program aims to support young people between the ages of 12-25 years who may be experiencing more chronic and episodic moderate to severe mental illness and other […]
Are you keen to learn new skills, have a yarn, eat some food and just hang with your sistas? Mondays at Karuah Community. Ring Aunty Michelle 0434212480 or Barbara 0447688328 […]
Oz Harvest is an Australian food rescue organisation which collects surplus food from local business and supermarkets throughout the community. Oz Harvest delivers to 3 Jacaranda Ave on Mondays. Call 4987 1331 from 10am on Monday morning to register. Pick up hampers at the door between 3-4pm on Monday afternoon. Hampers can only be received […]
In particular, this program aims to support young people between the ages of 12-25 years who may be experiencing more chronic and episodic moderate to severe mental illness and other […]
Are you keen to learn new skills, have a yarn, eat some food and just hang with your sistas? Mondays at Karuah Community. Ring Aunty Michelle 0434212480 or Barbara 0447688328 […]
Habitat Kids Club is an after school group that aims to facilitate self esteem and confidence building in its participants. The children whilst learning about their local environment, are also […]
Tilligerry Family Network invites you to Nature Play Free guided nature play to assist your child (aged 0-5) to support their learning, build confidence and develop friendships. Fun, sport, adventures, […]
Do you have money worries? Financial Counselling is a free and confidential service. A financial counsellor from Hunter Valley Project Inc provides financial counselling on Tuesdays at 3 Jacaranda Ave, […]
In particular, this program aims to support young people between the ages of 12-25 years who may be experiencing more chronic and episodic moderate to severe mental illness and other […]
Do you have money worries? Financial Counselling is a free and confidential service. A financial counsellor from Hunter Valley Project Inc provides financial counselling on Tuesdays at 3 Jacaranda Ave, […]
In particular, this program aims to support young people between the ages of 12-25 years who may be experiencing more chronic and episodic moderate to severe mental illness and other […]
Come along and have some fun doing Aboriginal Crafts. Hang with your mob and have a yarn! For ages 5-12 years. Afternoon tea provided. When: Tuesday & Wednesday arvos Time: […]
Women supporting each other who have or are experiencing domestic violence. Did you know that… In Australia, 1 in 5 adult women have experienced abuse in an intimate relationship? 1 in 4 children witness domestic violence? Domestic and family violence affects people from all cultures, ages, genders, religions and sexual orientations. It is a pattern […]
Children are offered culturally enriching play opportunities such as painting, playdough, arts and crafts, story time and outdoor activities. This is a great place for children to make new friends and have fun together. Runs every School Term commencing the Second Week of each term Morning tea is provided. No booking required, call 49 800 800.
Playtime Plus is fun for children and parents / carers. Not just a fun place but also a place where we: Provide a range of learning experiences to promote children’s development Support ways in which parents can play and communicate with their children Provide information for parents about topics such as child development, health, and […]
Are you in year 5 or 6 at school? Tilly Legends is an after school group for children who are currently in years 5 or 6. The group meets weekly […]
'The Deck’ Youth Venue is a place to drop in with friends, to make friends or to come and grab a feed. We offer a safe space for all young […]
Come along and have some fun doing Aboriginal Crafts. Hang with your mob and have a yarn! For ages 5-12 years. Afternoon tea provided. When: Tuesday & Wednesday arvos Time: 3.30pm - 4.30pm Where: Worimi Country, 3 Phillip st, Raymond Terrace Contact Rachel on 49 800 800
Circle of Security Parenting When ‘good enough’ parenting is good enough - A relationship Based Parenting Program – 8 week parenting program based on relationships. This is an opportunity to: […]
Tuning in to Teens is a six session parenting program for parents of adolescents aged 13-18 years. Would you like to lean how to:- Be better at talking with your teen? Be better at understanding your teen? Help your teen to learn to manage their emotions? Help to prevent behavioural problems in your teen? Teach your teen to deal […]
Playtime Plus is fun for children and parents / carers. Not just a fun place but also a place where we: Provide a range of learning experiences to promote children’s development Support ways in which parents can play and communicate with their children Provide information for parents about topics such as child development, health, and […]
Art therapy can provide therapeutic interventions through the use of visual arts, including drawing, painting, art journaling, mixed media and sculpture, for mental health diagnoses, wellbeing, early intervention and developmental disorders. Runs weekly in school terms (excluding week 1). For existing PSFaNS Clients only. Places are limited. Ask your PSFaNS worker for more information.
Young Parents Group is for all parents who are 25 years and under. Young parents face the challenge of meeting not only their own developmental needs at a time of significant growth, but also the needs of their children. Young Parents Group is friendly, relaxed and non-judgemental. Offering a space where young parents can meet, […]
Do you need help with Centrelink Payments? Not sure what you are entitled to? Changed your circumstances? Just had a baby and wondering about family assistance? We can help! A worker from the Centrelink Community Outreach Team comes to Jacaranda Ave, Raymond Terrace every 2nd Wednesday from 10.30am to 12.00pm. Appointments are encouraged to be […]
Do you need help with Centrelink Payments? Not sure what you are entitled to? Changed your circumstances? Just had a baby and wondering about family assistance? We can help! A worker from the Centrelink Community Outreach Team comes to Jacaranda Ave, Raymond Terrace every 2nd Wednesday from 10.30am to 12.00pm. Appointments are encouraged to be […]
Art therapy can provide therapeutic interventions through the use of visual arts, including drawing, painting, art journaling, mixed media and sculpture, for mental health diagnoses, wellbeing, early intervention and developmental disorders. Arts therapies can help people to resolve conflicts, develop interpersonal skills, manage behaviour, reduce stress, increase self-esteem and achieve insight. Art therapy utilises visual […]
St Johns Food Hampers Monday morning before 10.30am, families (max 8 per week) can receive a referral for a food hamper at St Johns Anglican Church. Can be accessed once a month only.
Oz Harvest is an Australian food rescue organisation which collects surplus food from local business and supermarkets throughout the community. Oz Harvest delivers to 3 Jacaranda Ave on Mondays. Call […]
In particular, this program aims to support young people between the ages of 12-25 years who may be experiencing more chronic and episodic moderate to severe mental illness and other […]
Are you keen to learn new skills, have a yarn, eat some food and just hang with your sistas? Mondays at Karuah Community. Ring Aunty Michelle 0434212480 or Barbara 0447688328 to come along. Booking required.
Oz Harvest is an Australian food rescue organisation which collects surplus food from local business and supermarkets throughout the community. Oz Harvest delivers to 3 Jacaranda Ave on Mondays. Call […]
In particular, this program aims to support young people between the ages of 12-25 years who may be experiencing more chronic and episodic moderate to severe mental illness and other […]
Are you keen to learn new skills, have a yarn, eat some food and just hang with your sistas? Mondays at Karuah Community. Ring Aunty Michelle 0434212480 or Barbara 0447688328 to come along. Booking required.
Free To Be You is a drop in afternoon for young people in Port Stephens who identify as LGBTQIA+
Habitat Kids Club is an after school group that aims to facilitate self esteem and confidence building in its participants. The children whilst learning about their local environment, are also learning valuable things about themselves. This group provides many opportunities for the children to participate in healthy outdoor activities and a sense of belonging within […]
Tilligerry Family Network invites you to Nature Play Free guided nature play to assist your child (aged 0-5) to support their learning, build confidence and develop friendships. Fun, sport, adventures, outdoor games and more… Story Time and picnic provided. For more info, call 4984 5298 or text 0438 977 703 (we can only be contacted Mondays, […]
Do you have money worries? Financial Counselling is a free and confidential service. A financial counsellor from Hunter Valley Project Inc provides financial counselling on Tuesdays at 3 Jacaranda Ave, […]
Do you have money worries? Financial Counselling is a free and confidential service. A financial counsellor from Hunter Valley Project Inc provides financial counselling on Tuesdays at 3 Jacaranda Ave, […]
In particular, this program aims to support young people between the ages of 12-25 years who may be experiencing more chronic and episodic moderate to severe mental illness and other […]
Come along and have some fun doing Aboriginal Crafts. Hang with your mob and have a yarn! For ages 5-12 years. Afternoon tea provided. When: Tuesday & Wednesday arvos Time: 3.30pm - 4.30pm Where: Worimi Country, 3 Phillip st, Raymond Terrace Contact Rachel on 49 800 800
Women supporting each other who have or are experiencing domestic violence. Did you know that… In Australia, 1 in 5 adult women have experienced abuse in an intimate relationship? 1 in 4 children witness domestic violence? Domestic and family violence affects people from all cultures, ages, genders, religions and sexual orientations. It is a pattern […]
Children are offered culturally enriching play opportunities such as painting, playdough, arts and crafts, story time and outdoor activities. This is a great place for children to make new friends and have fun together. Runs every School Term commencing the Second Week of each term Morning tea is provided. No booking required, call 49 800 800.
Playtime Plus is fun for children and parents / carers. Not just a fun place but also a place where we: Provide a range of learning experiences to promote children’s development Support ways in which parents can play and communicate with their children Provide information for parents about topics such as child development, health, and […]
Are you in year 5 or 6 at school? Tilly Legends is an after school group for children who are currently in years 5 or 6. The group meets weekly in school term and is facilitated by 2 experienced workers. Drumbeat, an evidence based social development program which uses music to engage and transfer learning, […]
Need help to keep you and your family safe? The Aboriginal Legal Service (ALS) is introducing a new, culturally safe service for women & children and young people in the Hunter. Get free and confidential help with legal and related issues. Come and have a cup of tea and a yarn in our safe meeting […]
'The Deck’ Youth Venue is a place to drop in with friends, to make friends or to come and grab a feed. We offer a safe space for all young people aged strictly from 12 to 18 to hang out, play Xbox, PlayStation, computer games, pool, watch Netflix, use the internet, join in art & […]
Come along and have some fun doing Aboriginal Crafts. Hang with your mob and have a yarn! For ages 5-12 years. Afternoon tea provided. When: Tuesday & Wednesday arvos Time: 3.30pm - 4.30pm Where: Worimi Country, 3 Phillip st, Raymond Terrace Contact Rachel on 49 800 800
Circle of Security Parenting When ‘good enough’ parenting is good enough - A relationship Based Parenting Program – 8 week parenting program based on relationships. This is an opportunity to: meet with other families and yarn about the joys and challenges of raising young children learn about a simple idea that helps us understand the […]
Tuning in to Teens is a six session parenting program for parents of adolescents aged 13-18 years. Would you like to lean how to:- Be better at talking with your teen? Be better at understanding your teen? Help your teen to learn to manage their emotions? Help to prevent behavioural problems in your teen? Teach your teen to deal […]
Playtime Plus is fun for children and parents / carers. Not just a fun place but also a place where we: Provide a range of learning experiences to promote children’s development Support ways in which parents can play and communicate with their children Provide information for parents about topics such as child development, health, and […]
Art therapy can provide therapeutic interventions through the use of visual arts, including drawing, painting, art journaling, mixed media and sculpture, for mental health diagnoses, wellbeing, early intervention and developmental disorders. Runs weekly in school terms (excluding week 1). For existing PSFaNS Clients only. Places are limited. Ask your PSFaNS worker for more information.
Young Parents Group is for all parents who are 25 years and under. Young parents face the challenge of meeting not only their own developmental needs at a time of significant growth, but also the needs of their children. Young Parents Group is friendly, relaxed and non-judgemental. Offering a space where young parents can meet, […]
Do you need help with Centrelink Payments? Not sure what you are entitled to? Changed your circumstances? Just had a baby and wondering about family assistance? We can help! A […]
Do you need help with Centrelink Payments? Not sure what you are entitled to? Changed your circumstances? Just had a baby and wondering about family assistance? We can help! A […]
Art therapy can provide therapeutic interventions through the use of visual arts, including drawing, painting, art journaling, mixed media and sculpture, for mental health diagnoses, wellbeing, early intervention and developmental disorders. Arts therapies can help people to resolve conflicts, develop interpersonal skills, manage behaviour, reduce stress, increase self-esteem and achieve insight. Art therapy utilises visual […]
St Johns Food Hampers Monday morning before 10.30am, families (max 8 per week) can receive a referral for a food hamper at St Johns Anglican Church. Can be accessed […]
Oz Harvest is an Australian food rescue organisation which collects surplus food from local business and supermarkets throughout the community. Oz Harvest delivers to 3 Jacaranda Ave on Mondays. Call […]
In particular, this program aims to support young people between the ages of 12-25 years who may be experiencing more chronic and episodic moderate to severe mental illness and other […]
Are you keen to learn new skills, have a yarn, eat some food and just hang with your sistas? Mondays at Karuah Community. Ring Aunty Michelle 0434212480 or Barbara 0447688328 to come along. Booking required.
Oz Harvest is an Australian food rescue organisation which collects surplus food from local business and supermarkets throughout the community. Oz Harvest delivers to 3 Jacaranda Ave on Mondays. Call […]
In particular, this program aims to support young people between the ages of 12-25 years who may be experiencing more chronic and episodic moderate to severe mental illness and other […]
Are you keen to learn new skills, have a yarn, eat some food and just hang with your sistas? Mondays at Karuah Community. Ring Aunty Michelle 0434212480 or Barbara 0447688328 to come along. Booking required.
Habitat Kids Club is an after school group that aims to facilitate self esteem and confidence building in its participants. The children whilst learning about their local environment, are also learning valuable things about themselves. This group provides many opportunities for the children to participate in healthy outdoor activities and a sense of belonging within […]
Tilligerry Family Network invites you to Nature Play Free guided nature play to assist your child (aged 0-5) to support their learning, build confidence and develop friendships. Fun, sport, adventures, outdoor games and more… Story Time and picnic provided. For more info, call 4984 5298 or text 0438 977 703 (we can only be contacted Mondays, […]
Do you have money worries? Financial Counselling is a free and confidential service. A financial counsellor from Hunter Valley Project Inc provides financial counselling on Tuesdays at 3 Jacaranda Ave, […]
In particular, this program aims to support young people between the ages of 12-25 years who may be experiencing more chronic and episodic moderate to severe mental illness and other […]
Do you have money worries? Financial Counselling is a free and confidential service. A financial counsellor from Hunter Valley Project Inc provides financial counselling on Tuesdays at 3 Jacaranda Ave, […]
In particular, this program aims to support young people between the ages of 12-25 years who may be experiencing more chronic and episodic moderate to severe mental illness and other […]
Come along and have some fun doing Aboriginal Crafts. Hang with your mob and have a yarn! For ages 5-12 years. Afternoon tea provided. When: Tuesday & Wednesday arvos Time: 3.30pm - 4.30pm Where: Worimi Country, 3 Phillip st, Raymond Terrace Contact Rachel on 49 800 800
Women supporting each other who have or are experiencing domestic violence. Did you know that… In Australia, 1 in 5 adult women have experienced abuse in an intimate relationship? 1 in 4 children witness domestic violence? Domestic and family violence affects people from all cultures, ages, genders, religions and sexual orientations. It is a pattern […]
Children are offered culturally enriching play opportunities such as painting, playdough, arts and crafts, story time and outdoor activities. This is a great place for children to make new friends and have fun together. Runs every School Term commencing the Second Week of each term Morning tea is provided. No booking required, call 49 800 800.
Playtime Plus is fun for children and parents / carers. Not just a fun place but also a place where we: Provide a range of learning experiences to promote children’s development Support ways in which parents can play and communicate with their children Provide information for parents about topics such as child development, health, and […]
Are you in year 5 or 6 at school? Tilly Legends is an after school group for children who are currently in years 5 or 6. The group meets weekly in school term and is facilitated by 2 experienced workers. Drumbeat, an evidence based social development program which uses music to engage and transfer learning, […]
'The Deck’ Youth Venue is a place to drop in with friends, to make friends or to come and grab a feed. We offer a safe space for all young people aged strictly from 12 to 18 to hang out, play Xbox, PlayStation, computer games, pool, watch Netflix, use the internet, join in art & […]
Come along and have some fun doing Aboriginal Crafts. Hang with your mob and have a yarn! For ages 5-12 years. Afternoon tea provided. When: Tuesday & Wednesday arvos Time: 3.30pm - 4.30pm Where: Worimi Country, 3 Phillip st, Raymond Terrace Contact Rachel on 49 800 800
Circle of Security Parenting When ‘good enough’ parenting is good enough - A relationship Based Parenting Program – 8 week parenting program based on relationships. This is an opportunity to: meet with other families and yarn about the joys and challenges of raising young children learn about a simple idea that helps us understand the […]
Tuning in to Teens is a six session parenting program for parents of adolescents aged 13-18 years. Would you like to lean how to:- Be better at talking with your teen? Be better at understanding your teen? Help your teen to learn to manage their emotions? Help to prevent behavioural problems in your teen? Teach your teen to deal […]
Playtime Plus is fun for children and parents / carers. Not just a fun place but also a place where we: Provide a range of learning experiences to promote children’s […]
Art therapy can provide therapeutic interventions through the use of visual arts, including drawing, painting, art journaling, mixed media and sculpture, for mental health diagnoses, wellbeing, early intervention and developmental disorders. Runs weekly in school terms (excluding week 1). For existing PSFaNS Clients only. Places are limited. Ask your PSFaNS worker for more information.
Young Parents Group is for all parents who are 25 years and under. Young parents face the challenge of meeting not only their own developmental needs at a time of significant growth, but also the needs of their children. Young Parents Group is friendly, relaxed and non-judgemental. Offering a space where young parents can meet, […]
Do you need help with Centrelink Payments? Not sure what you are entitled to? Changed your circumstances? Just had a baby and wondering about family assistance? We can help! A […]
Do you need help with Centrelink Payments? Not sure what you are entitled to? Changed your circumstances? Just had a baby and wondering about family assistance? We can help! A […]
Art therapy can provide therapeutic interventions through the use of visual arts, including drawing, painting, art journaling, mixed media and sculpture, for mental health diagnoses, wellbeing, early intervention and developmental disorders. Arts therapies can help people to resolve conflicts, develop interpersonal skills, manage behaviour, reduce stress, increase self-esteem and achieve insight. Art therapy utilises visual […]
St Johns Food Hampers Monday morning before 10.30am, families (max 8 per week) can receive a referral for a food hamper at St Johns Anglican Church. Can be accessed […]
Oz Harvest is an Australian food rescue organisation which collects surplus food from local business and supermarkets throughout the community. Oz Harvest delivers to 3 Jacaranda Ave on Mondays. Call […]
In particular, this program aims to support young people between the ages of 12-25 years who may be experiencing more chronic and episodic moderate to severe mental illness and other […]
Are you keen to learn new skills, have a yarn, eat some food and just hang with your sistas? Mondays at Karuah Community. Ring Aunty Michelle 0434212480 or Barbara 0447688328 to come along. Booking required.
Oz Harvest is an Australian food rescue organisation which collects surplus food from local business and supermarkets throughout the community. Oz Harvest delivers to 3 Jacaranda Ave on Mondays. Call […]
In particular, this program aims to support young people between the ages of 12-25 years who may be experiencing more chronic and episodic moderate to severe mental illness and other […]
Are you keen to learn new skills, have a yarn, eat some food and just hang with your sistas? Mondays at Karuah Community. Ring Aunty Michelle 0434212480 or Barbara 0447688328 to come along. Booking required.
Free To Be You is a drop in afternoon for young people in Port Stephens who identify as LGBTQIA+
Habitat Kids Club is an after school group that aims to facilitate self esteem and confidence building in its participants. The children whilst learning about their local environment, are also […]
Tilligerry Family Network invites you to Nature Play Free guided nature play to assist your child (aged 0-5) to support their learning, build confidence and develop friendships. Fun, sport, adventures, outdoor games and more… Story Time and picnic provided. For more info, call 4984 5298 or text 0438 977 703 (we can only be contacted Mondays, […]
Do you have money worries? Financial Counselling is a free and confidential service. A financial counsellor from Hunter Valley Project Inc provides financial counselling on Tuesdays at 3 Jacaranda Ave, […]
Do you have money worries? Financial Counselling is a free and confidential service. A financial counsellor from Hunter Valley Project Inc provides financial counselling on Tuesdays at 3 Jacaranda Ave, […]
In particular, this program aims to support young people between the ages of 12-25 years who may be experiencing more chronic and episodic moderate to severe mental illness and other […]
Come along and have some fun doing Aboriginal Crafts. Hang with your mob and have a yarn! For ages 5-12 years. Afternoon tea provided. When: Tuesday & Wednesday arvos Time: […]
Women supporting each other who have or are experiencing domestic violence. Did you know that… In Australia, 1 in 5 adult women have experienced abuse in an intimate relationship? 1 in 4 children witness domestic violence? Domestic and family violence affects people from all cultures, ages, genders, religions and sexual orientations. It is a pattern […]
Children are offered culturally enriching play opportunities such as painting, playdough, arts and crafts, story time and outdoor activities. This is a great place for children to make new friends and have fun together. Runs every School Term commencing the Second Week of each term Morning tea is provided. No booking required, call 49 800 800.
Playtime Plus is fun for children and parents / carers. Not just a fun place but also a place where we: Provide a range of learning experiences to promote children’s […]
Are you in year 5 or 6 at school? Tilly Legends is an after school group for children who are currently in years 5 or 6. The group meets weekly […]
'The Deck’ Youth Venue is a place to drop in with friends, to make friends or to come and grab a feed. We offer a safe space for all young people aged strictly from 12 to 18 to hang out, play Xbox, PlayStation, computer games, pool, watch Netflix, use the internet, join in art & […]
Come along and have some fun doing Aboriginal Crafts. Hang with your mob and have a yarn! For ages 5-12 years. Afternoon tea provided. When: Tuesday & Wednesday arvos Time: […]
Circle of Security Parenting When ‘good enough’ parenting is good enough - A relationship Based Parenting Program – 8 week parenting program based on relationships. This is an opportunity to: meet with other families and yarn about the joys and challenges of raising young children learn about a simple idea that helps us understand the […]
Tuning in to Teens is a six session parenting program for parents of adolescents aged 13-18 years. Would you like to lean how to:- Be better at talking with your teen? Be better at understanding your teen? Help your teen to learn to manage their emotions? Help to prevent behavioural problems in your teen? Teach your teen to deal […]
Playtime Plus is fun for children and parents / carers. Not just a fun place but also a place where we: Provide a range of learning experiences to promote children’s development Support ways in which parents can play and communicate with their children Provide information for parents about topics such as child development, health, and […]
Art therapy can provide therapeutic interventions through the use of visual arts, including drawing, painting, art journaling, mixed media and sculpture, for mental health diagnoses, wellbeing, early intervention and developmental […]
Young Parents Group is for all parents who are 25 years and under. Young parents face the challenge of meeting not only their own developmental needs at a time of significant growth, but also the needs of their children. Young Parents Group is friendly, relaxed and non-judgemental. Offering a space where young parents can meet, […]
Do you need help with Centrelink Payments? Not sure what you are entitled to? Changed your circumstances? Just had a baby and wondering about family assistance? We can help! A […]
Do you need help with Centrelink Payments? Not sure what you are entitled to? Changed your circumstances? Just had a baby and wondering about family assistance? We can help! A […]
Art therapy can provide therapeutic interventions through the use of visual arts, including drawing, painting, art journaling, mixed media and sculpture, for mental health diagnoses, wellbeing, early intervention and developmental disorders. Arts therapies can help people to resolve conflicts, develop interpersonal skills, manage behaviour, reduce stress, increase self-esteem and achieve insight. Art therapy utilises visual […]
St Johns Food Hampers Monday morning before 10.30am, families (max 8 per week) can receive a referral for a food hamper at St Johns Anglican Church. Can be accessed […]
Oz Harvest is an Australian food rescue organisation which collects surplus food from local business and supermarkets throughout the community. Oz Harvest delivers to 3 Jacaranda Ave on Mondays. Call […]
In particular, this program aims to support young people between the ages of 12-25 years who may be experiencing more chronic and episodic moderate to severe mental illness and other […]
Are you keen to learn new skills, have a yarn, eat some food and just hang with your sistas? Mondays at Karuah Community. Ring Aunty Michelle 0434212480 or Barbara 0447688328 […]
Oz Harvest is an Australian food rescue organisation which collects surplus food from local business and supermarkets throughout the community. Oz Harvest delivers to 3 Jacaranda Ave on Mondays. Call […]
In particular, this program aims to support young people between the ages of 12-25 years who may be experiencing more chronic and episodic moderate to severe mental illness and other […]
Are you keen to learn new skills, have a yarn, eat some food and just hang with your sistas? Mondays at Karuah Community. Ring Aunty Michelle 0434212480 or Barbara 0447688328 […]
Habitat Kids Club is an after school group that aims to facilitate self esteem and confidence building in its participants. The children whilst learning about their local environment, are also […]
Tilligerry Family Network invites you to Nature Play Free guided nature play to assist your child (aged 0-5) to support their learning, build confidence and develop friendships. Fun, sport, adventures, outdoor games and more… Story Time and picnic provided. For more info, call 4984 5298 or text 0438 977 703 (we can only be contacted Mondays, […]
Do you have money worries? Financial Counselling is a free and confidential service. A financial counsellor from Hunter Valley Project Inc provides financial counselling on Tuesdays at 3 Jacaranda Ave, […]
In particular, this program aims to support young people between the ages of 12-25 years who may be experiencing more chronic and episodic moderate to severe mental illness and other […]