Below you will find all upcoming dates for groups and events held at our centres

Event Series Women Speak

Women Speak

Phillip Street Site 3-5 Phillip Street, Raymond Terrace, NSW, Australia

Women supporting each other who have or are experiencing domestic violence. Did you know that… In Australia, 1 in 5 adult women have experienced abuse in an intimate relationship? 1 in 4 children witness domestic violence? Domestic and family violence&hellip

Event Series Private: The Deck Youth Drop In

The Deck Youth Drop In

The Deck - Youth Drop-In Centre 1a Kangaroo Ave, Raymond Terrace, NSW, Australia

'The Deck’ Youth Venue is a place to drop in with friends, to make friends or to come and grab a feed. We offer a safe space for all young people aged strictly from 12 to 18 to hang out,&hellip

Event Series Tuning In To Teens

Tuning In To Teens

Phillip Street Site 3-5 Phillip Street, Raymond Terrace, NSW, Australia

Tuning in to Teens is a six session parenting program for parents of adolescents aged 13-18 years. Would you like to lean how to:- Be better at talking with your teen? Be better at understanding your teen? Help your teen to learn to&hellip

Event Series Art Therapy Adult’s Group

Art Therapy Adult’s Group

Phillip Street Site 3-5 Phillip Street, Raymond Terrace, NSW, Australia

Art therapy can provide therapeutic interventions through the use of visual arts, including drawing, painting, art journaling, mixed media and sculpture, for mental health diagnoses, wellbeing, early intervention and developmental disorders. Arts therapies can help people to resolve conflicts, develop&hellip

Event Series Headspace Extra

Headspace Extra

In particular, this program aims to support young people between the ages of 12-25 years who may be experiencing more chronic and episodic moderate to severe mental illness and other psychosocial stressors impacting on a young person and their families’&hellip

Event Series Free To Be You

Free To Be You

The Deck - Youth Drop-In Centre 1a Kangaroo Ave, Raymond Terrace, NSW, Australia

Free To Be You is a drop in afternoon for young people in Port Stephens who identify as LGBTQIA+

Event Series Headspace Extra

Headspace Extra

In particular, this program aims to support young people between the ages of 12-25 years who may be experiencing more chronic and episodic moderate to severe mental illness and other psychosocial stressors impacting on a young person and their families’&hellip

Event Series Women Speak

Women Speak

Phillip Street Site 3-5 Phillip Street, Raymond Terrace, NSW, Australia

Women supporting each other who have or are experiencing domestic violence. Did you know that… In Australia, 1 in 5 adult women have experienced abuse in an intimate relationship? 1 in 4 children witness domestic violence? Domestic and family violence&hellip

Event Series Private: The Deck Youth Drop In

The Deck Youth Drop In

The Deck - Youth Drop-In Centre 1a Kangaroo Ave, Raymond Terrace, NSW, Australia

'The Deck’ Youth Venue is a place to drop in with friends, to make friends or to come and grab a feed. We offer a safe space for all young people aged strictly from 12 to 18 to hang out,&hellip

Event Series Women Speak

Women Speak

Phillip Street Site 3-5 Phillip Street, Raymond Terrace, NSW, Australia

Women supporting each other who have or are experiencing domestic violence. Did you know that… In Australia, 1 in 5 adult women have experienced abuse in an intimate relationship? 1 in 4 children witness domestic violence? Domestic and family violence&hellip
