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Group Details

Women Speak is a program enabling women to support each other who have or are experiencing domestic and family violence.

Did you know that…

  • In Australia, 1 in 5 adult women have experienced abuse in an intimate relationship?
  • 1 in 4 children witness domestic and family violence?

Domestic and family violence affects people from all cultures, ages, genders, religions and sexual orientations. It is a pattern of behaviour in which a family member (partner, parent, child) tries to seek power or control over the other.

What is domestic and family violence?                               

Domestic and family violence is not just physical abuse. It includes:

  • physical violence
  • sexual assault
  • verbal abuse (insults, degrading language)
  • emotional abuse (threatening the victim/children/pets, intimidation, controlling behavior such as physical and Internet stalking, monitoring victim’s movements)
  • psychological abuse (blaming the person being abused for the behaviour, denying that the abusive behaviour occurred, etc)
  • financial abuse (preventing victim from working or accessing money)
  • social abuse (isolating the victim from family and friends)
  • spiritual abuse (making fun of or preventing the victim from practising spiritual/religious beliefs)


Women Speak is a six week program for women who have experienced or are experiencing domestic and family violence.

The program runs most school terms and bookings are essential. Children Speak is offered alongside Women Speak and transport is available.

Contact 49 800 800 to enquire or register.

Domestic and Family Violence Help

Date, time and locations

When and Where

Raymond Terrace

When: Dates vary
Time: 10am to 12pm
Where: 5 Phillip St, Raymond Terrace

Booking required: Yes

See on Events Calendar

Women Speak can be run in any area in Port Stephens.

Useful Links

Domestic and Family Violence Help


Domestic Violence Parenting Line Flyer


DV Resource Card