For Referring Agencies

PSFaNS is aware of the many barriers the community faces in accessing services. We believe it is important for the service system, of which PSFaNS is a part, to not create more.

You can refer people to the service by phone or email. You do not need to fill in any forms to do this. Simply share the information that is relevant to the service the person/family needs. If the person/family would prefer to engage via our Aboriginal Team just let us know.

Making a Referral

We are aware that demand for service exceeds what we can meet: it is often useful to complete the referral form so that PSFaNS intake staff can prioritise allocations.

Waiting Times

The Specialist Homelessness Team (all ages) is in high demand and prioritises referrals. We will always see urgent Domestic Violence referrals on the referral business day or next business day after weekend/public holiday.

The  Domestic and Family Violence Team will contact referrals within 48 hours. This team will also see urgent Domestic Violence referrals on the referral business day or next business day after weekend/public holiday.

Emergency Financial Relief Program – The best time for clients to ring for an appointment is 9am. However, we can often take appointments at different times depending on daily capacity. If you are a worker referring and the matter is urgent please ring 49871331 and ask to speak to the ERF Manager.

Men’s Family Safety Worker – Referrals to the Men’s Family Safety Worker are assessed based on caseload capacity and priorities.

The Child and Family Program (families with children 0-11) prioritises referrals. This means that families with lower risk will, unfortunately, due to demand and available resources, have to be referred elsewhere or placed on a waiting list. However, clients can attend Playtime Plus sessions (staffed by social workers and early childhood specialists and regular visiting services e.g. speech pathologists, occupational therapists) where assessments and initial referrals and supports can be put in place while the family waits to be allocated. If the referral is for a school aged child, we will, where possible, offer a group program in the interim.

The Youth Program (young people 12-18 and their families) prioritises referrals. This means that young people and their families with lower risk will, unfortunately, due to demand and available resources, have to be referred elsewhere or placed on a waiting list; however, we have youth counsellors in the 3 high schools in Port Stephens, so the young person can usually meet with a worker there quite quickly on an interim basis. Young people can also access drop in at The Deck (our Youth Centre) while waiting.  We also have Headspace extra on site at our Jacaranda Avenue Centre. Headspace extra support young people between the ages of 12-25 years who may be experiencing more chronic and episodic moderate to severe mental illness and other psychosocial stressors impacting on a young person and their families’ level of functioning. It specifically targets young people with more complex needs, in particular Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander young people.

The Early Childhood Team facilitates our Playtime Plus program and Young Parents’ Program. This team is structured so they can generally take on time sensitive referrals immediately; for example, a young child due to start school who has had no early learning experiences and where there are concerns around what’s happening at home and the child’s behaviour or development (e.g. speech and language). This team holds expertise around trauma and resultant behaviours and can also do one off sessions to support other service providers to support a family with children’s behaviours.

Our Parenting Programs (Tuning into Kids, Tuning into Teens, Circle of Security, Bringing up Great Kids) take names year round. Programs are run each term. We endeavor to put on extra groups if numbers are high. If you are unsure which group would be most suitable for your client please ring and discuss with a facilitator. Parents can either have their children in their care, be working towards restoration or have access – supervised or other – with their children. The programs are inclusive of varying contexts.

Referrals to Homelessness Team

Email –
Phone – 4987 1331

Referrals to Domestic and Family Violence Team

Email –
Phone – 49 800 800

Referrals to Men’s Family Safety Worker

Email –
Phone – 4987 1331

Referrals to Child & Family Team

Email –
Phone – 49 800 800

Referrals to Youth & Family Team

Email –
Phone – 02 49 800 800

Referrals to all other programs

Phone – 02 49 800 800

The service offers a number of evidence based Parenting, Domestic and Family Violence and Youth & Children’s Programs to which you can refer clients. These programs are offered in varying locations throughout Port Stephens. Please contact the service for information re location and waiting lists. You may also request a program to be run at your service or school. Flyers and information below.


Tuning in to Kids (TIK)

Click here for Information on Tuning in to Kids
Click here for flyer

Tuning in to Teens (TINT)

Click here for Information on Tuning in to Teens
Click here for flyer

Circle of Security Parenting (COSP)

Click here for Information on Circle of Security
Click here for flyer

Domestic and Family Violence Programs

Women Speak

Click here for information on Women Speak
Click here for flyer
Click here to watch video of Manager Sue Pollock on Interrelate DV Forum

Staying Home Leaving Violence

Click here for information on SHLV

I Respect

Click here for Information on I Respect

ALS Legal Assistance for Vulnerable Women Program

Click here for flyer

Homelessness Prevention Programs

Rent It Keep It

Click here for Information on Rent It Keep It
Click here for flyer

Medication for Homeless People Program

Click here for flyer

Playgroups & Parent Groups

Playtime Plus

Click here for flyer

Tilligerry Playtime Plus

Click here for flyer

Young Parents Group

Click here for flyer

Ba-ra Boolarng Cultural Playgroup

Click here for flyer

Tilligerry Nature Play

Click here for flyer

Wubalgan Group

Click here for flyer

Art Therapy

Click here for flyer

Children’s & Young People Programs

HIPPY Parent / Tutor Program

Click here for Information on HIPPY
Click here for flyer

Kindy Gym

Click here for Information on Kindy Gym
Click here for flyer


Click here for Information on Drumbeat
Click here for flyer

Ba-Ra Boolarng Cultural Space

Click here for flyer

The Deck Youth Drop In

Click here for flyer

Free To Be You

Click here for Information on Free To Be You
Click here for flyer

Tilligerry Legends After School Group

Click here for Information on Tilligerry Legends
Click here for flyer

Habitat Kids Club

Click here for flyer